teeth whitening treatment in pune

What is teeth whitening? And is it the appropriate solution for me?

Teeth whitening is a type of dental procedure that focuses on brightening the shade of teeth, eliminating stains, and improving their overall aesthetic appeal. teeth whitening treatment in pune

To begin with, it’s crucial to identify the root cause of tooth discolouration. If teeth whitening is not capable of addressing the underlying issue, it may not be the ideal solution for you. In such cases, considering veneers to cover the discoloured teeth could be more suitable. teeth whitening treatment in pune

teeth whitening treatment in pune

Our process involves a comprehensive examination, including dental X-rays, to determine the cause and develop an appropriate plan of action. If teeth whitening is a viable option, it’s important to aim for a shade that matches the whites of your eyes. Going for a brighter shade may give you an unnatural appearance while opting for a duller shade defeats the purpose of achieving a whiter smile. teeth whitening treatment in pune

Why aren’t my teeth white?

Tooth discolouration can occur due to multiple reasons. Some common factors include:

  • Ageing
  • Genetics
  • Consumption of staining substances (coffee, tea, red wine, tobacco)
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Certain medications
  • Dental trauma.
Are there any valid reasons for postponing teeth whitening?

After conducting the initial examination, we might discover the necessity for a filling or an alternative procedure either prior to or instead of teeth whitening. Discolouration of teeth can stem from various causes, such as abscessed teeth, tooth decay, or root canal issues. While bleaching can conceal this discolouration, it cannot resolve the underlying problems. teeth whitening treatment in pune

Additionally, certain aesthetic concerns should be taken into account. For instance, the ratio of teeth to gums is visible when smiling. If you have short teeth and an extended gumline, teeth whitening may not yield optimal results, as it may accentuate the gummy smile and create an imbalanced appearance. In such cases, alternative cosmetic options are worth exploring. teeth whitening treatment in pune

Does teeth whitening pose any risks?

Extensive research has confirmed the safety of using low levels of peroxide for teeth whitening purposes. However, it’s important for you to be aware that tooth sensitivity is a common potential side effect of bleaching. It is crucial to avoid using highly acidic solutions that can erode tooth enamel. For teeth whitening, we advise people to seek treatment from an experienced dental facility. Additionally, we also recommend waiting at least two weeks after a teeth whitening procedure before scheduling teeth cleaning. teeth whitening treatment in pune

How do I start the process? And what are the different options available for teeth whitening?

If you are ready to explore the possibilities of a teeth whitening procedure, reach out to us today for a consultation and let us create a customized plan that perfectly complements your smile. teeth whitening treatment in pune

Some options available for teeth whitening are:

  • In-office whitening:

This procedure involves the application of a high-concentration whitening gel directly on the teeth, followed by the use of a specialized light or laser to activate the whitening agent. The process is usually completed within one or two visits.

  • Take-home whitening kits:

We provide custom-fitted trays and whitening gel for home use. Patients wear the trays filled with the whitening gel for a specified duration each day, usually over a few weeks, as recommended by us.

What should I expect out of this procedure?

It’s important to have realistic expectations regarding teeth whitening outcomes. While teeth whitening can significantly lighten the shade of your teeth, the extent of improvement may vary depending on factors such as the initial tooth colour, type of stains, and individual response to the treatment.

Remember, every individual’s dental situation is unique, and it’s essential to consult with your dentist to determine the most appropriate teeth whitening approach based on your specific needs and oral health condition.

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teeth whitening treatment in pune

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