Dental surgeon in koregaon park pune


  1. Keep cotton/gauze pack in mouth under pressure & remove after one hour. Don’t replace it.
  2. Ice pack application from outside for 15-20 min every hourly for first 24 hours.
  3. Have soft/cold/non-spicy food for a day after the Treatment (semi solids like Curd Rice, Kanji, Dal& Rice).
  4. Continue all medications as prescribed.
  5. Have an ice-cream/cold un-carbonated drink (like a fruit juice or lassie), immediately after 1 hour after the Treatment
    Warm salt water rinses 24 hours after the Treatment (3 times a Day) for 7-10 days.
  6. Contact the office / doctor in case of untoward symptoms like bleeding, acute pain, excessive swelling (Little pain and swelling is normal post-operatively). Dental surgeon in koregaon park pune


  1. Don’t spit / gargle / rinse forcefully. Preferably swallow your saliva even if it contains blood.
  2. Avoid to eat hard / spicy / hot food from the side of the Treatment(like papad. pickles. etc) till the wound heals.
  3. Don’t pull the cheeks to inspect the operated side / put finger or tongue on operated side.
  4. Avoid brush on the operated side for a day after the treatment.
  5. Don’t apply any heat or hot fermentation from outside.
  6. Do not smoke or have alcoholic drinks up to 24hrs after treatment.


  1. Do not eat on your new filling for one hour and until your numbness is gone.
  2. If you are supervising children who had fillings done, make sure they don’t bite on their numb lips or tongue (it can cause serious injury to their soft tissue).
  3. Don’t pull the cheeks to inspect the operated side / put finger or tongue on operated side.
  4. You may experience cold and heat sensitivity and some soreness on your gums, this usually subsides in few days.
  5. Call our clinic if you experience pain or discomfort for more than a few days after the fillings, or if you have any questions.


Crown and bridges usually take 2 or 3 appointments to complete.In the first appointment the tooth/teeth are prepared and impressions are taken and a temporary crown is placed on your tooth/teeth.
You may experience sensitivity, gum soreness and slight discomfort on the tooth / teeth, it should subside after the placement of permanent crown.
Whenever anesthesia is used, avoid chewing on your teeth until the numbness has worn off.
Temporary crown is usually made of plastic based material. It could break if too much pressure is placed on it. The crown also may come off; if it does, save the crown and call our clinic. The temporary crown is placed to protect the tooth and prevent other teeth to comes off, it should be recemented. To avoid losing your temporary, avoid chewing on sticky and hard food (chewing gum). Try to chew on the opposite side of the treatment as much as possible.
After the permanent restoration is placed you may feel slight pressure for a few days. Also, the bite may feel different for a day or two. But if the bite feels uneven or you feel discomfort on chewing on the tooth after 5- 7 days call our clinic. Delaying the necessary adjustments may damage the tooth permanently.
Continue your normal brushing but be careful while flossing around the temporaries (remove the floss gently from the side).

Call our clinic if you are in pain or if you have any questions.

You may experience moderate pain and sensitivity to pressure on your tooth. Also, you may feel gum soreness for few days after your treatment. The healing process may take several days but the pain and discomfort should subside gradually.
Take any medication that was prescribed for you according to instructions.
Usually a temporary filling has been placed on your tooth, do not bite on the tooth for one hour and while you are numb. Also, until the permanent restoration is placed, be very gentle with the tooth. Try to chew with the opposite side.
Continue your brushing and flossing.
Follow up with the placement of your permanent restoration (crown/bridge) as you have been advised. Any unnecessary delay on placement of final restoration may damage the tooth permanently.
Call our clinic if you are in severe pain or experience swelling or if you have any questions. Dental surgeon in koregaon park pune


You may experience some cold and heat sensitivity (especially after deep cleaning).
If you have received anesthesia do not eat anything until the numbness has worn off.
Continue your regular brushing and flossing.
Some bleeding for a day or two after cleaning is normal, but if you experience any excessive bleeding call us at the clinic and let us know.
Call our clinic if you are in pain or if you have any questions.


You may experience some pressure and discomfort on your teeth.
Be gentle with braces and avoid chewing hard and/or sticky food.
Brushing and flossing around braces are sometimes challenging but very important.
Call our clinic if you have any questions.


You may experience some pain, swelling and bleeding after the treatment. Dental surgeon in koregaon park pune
Take all the prescribed medications based on given instruction. Dental surgeon in koregaon park pune
Apply an ice bag on your face over the surgical site on the day of treatment for 10 minutes on and 5 minutes off.
Keep your next appointment on time for removal of sutures and follow up checks.
DO NOT raise your lips with your fingers to inspect the treated area.
DO NOT brush teeth near the surgical site. Brush teeth in the rest of your mouth. Dental surgeon in koregaon park pune
There is often a temporary loss of feeling in the operated area and the tooth may feel loose.
Do not smoke, spit or use a straw on the day of the treatment (avoid smoking for a few days after the treatment). Dental surgeon in koregaon park pune
Should any difficulties occur, do not hesitate to call us anytime. Dental surgeon in koregaon park pune


Denture being new – initial irritation is always there. Only regular use of denture for minimum period of 3 weeks will give you total freedom from these irritation. E.g.
Initially there will be lot of salivation: this foreign body reaction reduces within 3-4 days as you keep wearing the Denture.
Initially gagging (vomiting sensation) can occur. Abundant use of denture -adhesive pastes/powder prescribed to you will help to overcome this. Also sucking on a hard candy can improve this. Dental surgeon in koregaon park pune
Difficulty in speech in the first few days is obvious but it  will reduce slowly as your mouth’s musculature adapts to the changed environment-please try to read loudly giving little more attention to pronunciations for first few days.
Initial heaviness in the head is common & will reduce with time. Please don’t remove the denture often for this reason.
However if there is any injury, go get plate adjusted by your Doctor at earliest but for this, don’t remove the denture & come, but denture should be worn at least for 4-5 hours before you see doctor. In this period, to make it bearable, apply anethetic gel prescribed by the doctor. Dental surgeon in koregaon park pune


1st week – 24 hour-Only wear, Don’t eat.
2nd week – Eat soft food (what you could eat without denture) Kheer, Khichadi, Rice – Eat regular routine food (Dal, Rice. Chapatti, Sabi etc).
3rd week – Eat every thing except very hard & sticky food like chikkies, nuts, etc. During this adjustment period, if any irritation/ulcer develops, please report to the dentist.


  1. Put them in water container with denture cleansing agent (Prescribed by dentist); when not in use (Not in Hot /Warm /Boiling Water). Dental surgeon in koregaon park pune
  2. Brush them after food & every morning using soft brush but not use toothpaste. Dental surgeon in koregaon park pune
  3. Don’t apply any bleaching/ soap to the denture or put them in boiling water. Dental surgeon in koregaon park pune
  4. If much stains/deposits are seen, report to your dentist for polishing. Dental surgeon in koregaon park pune
  5. If denture breaks by any accident or other reason, don’t try to repair it yourself, get it to the dentist at earliest. Dental surgeon in koregaon park pune

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