Dental Implants


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Implantologist In Pune

Dental implant is a solution that goes beyond just replacing missing teeth. It is a life-changing procedure that can restore your confidence, improve your oral health, and enhance your overall quality of life. Implantologist in pune
For those who have lost a tooth, dental implants offer a permanent and natural-looking replacement option that blends seamlessly with the surrounding teeth. They are also easy to care for and maintain, making them a convenient and hassle-free solution. Dental implants are a popular choice for restoring missing teeth since they are a secure and reliable solution.

 They are a popular choice since they can enhance dental health and function and appear and feel like genuine teeth. When placed by a qualified dental practitioner, dental implants have a success rate of over 98%. Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper maintenance. During surgery, a titanium screw inserted into the jawbone. After bone is formed into the channels of the screw i.e. after the implant heals after 3 to 4 months, the implant is loaded with the prosthesis. Implantologist in pune

Many people have a myth that implant surgery is painful but it’s a total myth. Because of the local anesthesia used, most patients report little to no pain during the surgery. There may be some soreness following the procedure, but this can be treated with the medication prescribed by our doctors.
Some individuals think dental implants are only for young people or those with teeth and gums that are in good condition. But for many patients, especially those who have gum disease or have been missing teeth for a long time, dental implants may be a good alternative. Implantologist in pune

Dental implants are a long-term investment in oral health, despite the fact that they may be more expensive initially than other tooth replacement solutions. Bone loss can be stopped, oral health can be improved, and future dental issues can be avoided with dental implants.
Due to the high cost and low level of awareness, dental implants were not previously suggested as a treatment option as frequently in India. However, the popularity of dental implants is rising as more individuals become aware of their advantages. Dental implants are becoming a more attractive alternative for tooth replacement in India as a result of technological developments and the availability of more economical options. Implantologist in pune
But dental implants are not just about aesthetics they also provide functional benefits. With dental implants, you can enjoy your favourite foods without any discomfort, speak and chew normally, and avoid the embarrassment of loose-fitting dentures.
Dental implants can significantly enhance a person’s quality of life by providing a permanent solution for missing or damaged teeth. If you want to know if dental implants are a good choice for your needs, it’s necessary to speak with our skilled dental practitioner Dr. Himanshu Ajwani. So, if you are considering tooth replacement options, dental implants may be the perfect solution for you. Implantologist in pune

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