When is a Dental Crown Necessary? Signs and Symptoms to Watch Out For

Dental crown cost in India

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is positioned over a tooth to reestablish its shape, size, strength, and appearance. It encases the entire visible portion of a tooth above the gum line.

Here are some important points about dental crowns:
1. Materials: Dental crowns can be made from various materials, including porcelain, ceramic, metal alloys, or a combination of materials. The choice of material depends on factors like the location of the tooth, aesthetic preferences, and functional requirements. dental crown cost in India
2. Purposes:
• Restoration of Structure: Crowns are used when a tooth is extensively damaged or decayed and cannot be effectively restored with a filling.
• Protection: They provide protection for weakened teeth, preventing further damage or fracture.
• Cosmetic Enhancement: Crowns can be used for cosmetic purposes to improve the appearance of teeth that are discolored, misshapen, or poorly aligned. dental crown cost in India
• Support for Bridges: Crowns serve as anchors for dental bridges, helping to replace missing teeth.
• Cover for Dental Implants: They are placed on top of dental implants to replace missing teeth.
3. Procedure:
• The procedure typically includes two visits to the dentist in pune. During the first visit, the damaged or decayed portion of the tooth is prepared, and an impression is taken. This impression is sent to the dental laboratory where the crown is customized. dental crown cost in India
• A temporary crown may be placed over the prepared tooth while you wait for the permanent crown.
• In the second visit, the temporary crown is removed, and the permanent crown is cemented onto the prepared tooth.

4. Types:
• Full Crowns: These cover the entire visible portion of the tooth and are used for severely damaged or decayed teeth.
• Partial Crowns (Inlays and Onlays): These cover only a portion of the tooth and are used when the damage is not as extensive as that requiring a full crown.
5. Longevity:
• With good care and maintenance, dental crowns can last for several years. However, they may ultimately require replacement due to regular wear and tear. dental crown cost in India
6. Care:
• Crowns should be looked after in the same way as natural teeth. This consists of regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups. Avoiding habits like teeth grinding (bruxism) and not using teeth as tools for opening packages can help prolong the life of a crown.
7. Benefits:
• Restores the functionality of a damaged tooth.
• Enhances the appearance of the tooth. dental crown cost in India
• Provides protection against further damage or decay.
• Can improve overall oral health.

Here are some signs and symptoms that may indicate the need for a dental crown:

  1. Large Cavities: When a tooth has a large cavity that can’t be adequately restored with a filling, a crown may be recommended to provide additional support and protection. dental crown cost in India
  2. Cracked or Fractured Teeth: Teeth that are cracked or fractured due to trauma, biting on hard objects, or other reasons may require a crown to hold the pieces together and prevent further damage.
  3. Weakened Teeth: Teeth that are weakened due to extensive decay, large fillings, or root canal treatment are often crowned to provide strength and stability.
  4. Root Canal Treatment: After a root canal procedure, the tooth structure may be compromised. A crown is frequently placed to guard the tooth and restore its job. dental crown cost in India
  5. Misshapen or Discolored Teeth: Crowns can be used for cosmetic purposes to cover teeth that are severely discolored, misshapen, or poorly aligned.
  6. Support for Dental Bridges: Dental crowns are used to anchor dental bridges. They are placed on the teeth adjacent to the gap created by missing teeth to support the bridge.
  7. Dental Implants: Crowns are often placed on top of dental implants to replace missing teeth. The implant serves as an artificial root, and the crown is the visible, functional part of the tooth. dental crown cost in India
  8. Cracked or Worn Fillings: When an existing filling is cracked, worn down, or has a large area of decay around it, a crown may be recommended for added protection.
  9. Protection for Children’s Teeth: In cases where a child’s primary (baby) tooth is at risk for further decay, a crown may be placed to preserve the tooth until it naturally falls out.
  10. Cosmetic Enhancements: Crowns can be used for purely cosmetic purposes, such as improving the appearance of teeth that are severely discolored or misshapen. dental crown cost in India
  11. To Cover Dental Implant Abutments: In dental implant procedures, an abutment is placed on the implant, and a crown is then attached to the abutment.

It’s important to note that only a dentist can determine if a dental crown is necessary after a thorough examination and assessment of your specific situation. If you notice any of these signs or symptoms, it’s crucial to seek professional dental advice promptly. Early intervention can prevent further dental issues and promote better oral health.

Dental crown cost in India